We are looking for enthusiastic, committed, and proven leaders to serve on the AAUW California Board of Directors. How about you, or is there someone you know with leadership talent?
We seek candidates for:
President-Elect Election
The membership elects the president-elect in odd-numbered years, to serve a one-year term as president- elect during the second year of the president’s term, followed by a two-year term as president.
Voting Member
The president-elect is a voting member of the board as one of the 11 (eleven) directors and the Executive Committee, and is an ex-officio, non-voting member of all committees except the Nominations and Elections Committee.
Duties of President-Elect
The president-elect will observe and participate in the activities of the role of president to facilitate transition.
At the end of the one-year term, the president-elect appoints committee chairs and committee members, ad-hoc board committees, special committee and task force chairs, as appropriate, for the next year when the president- elect becomes president. (See Policy 901 for appointment procedures).
In the absence or disability of the president, the president-elect performs all the duties of the president.
The president-elect also performs other duties as the president or board may direct.
The President’s Responsibilities
- The president has overall responsibility for AAUW California. The responsibilities include the following:
- Planning the annual work calendar, taking into consideration all deadlines required to ensure the smooth progression of the work of the state.
- Negotiating and signing all leases, agreements and contracts for AAUW California, in consultation with the CFO and appropriate board member or committee chair regarding terms and conditions of contracts being negotiated. (See also Policy 403-Office and Office Manager).
- General oversight of the office operations at the AAUW California office.
- Countersigning all AAUW California checks over $2,000 and any non-vouchered checks, regardless of the amount. In the extended absence of the president, the vice president or president-elect is authorized to countersign.
- Ensuring that the corporation follows state and federal regulations governing nonprofit corporations, making sure all appropriate documents are filed with the state.
- Ensuring that the Governance Committee chair sends a copy of the state bylaws to the State of California Office of Incorporation whenever there are significant amendments or revisions.
- Filing all required forms with AAUW pertaining to the names and addresses of incoming and continuing officers by the deadlines designated by AAUW.
- Bringing the state bylaws into conformity following meetings of AAUW and the state at which bylaws changes are proposed and approved, working in consultation with the state Governance Committee chair to accomplish this responsibility.
- Establishing a communication schedule at the beginning of the program year.
- Working with committee chairs and program directors to plan and monitor annual goals and activities that align with the organization’s priorities.
President as the Convening Officer
- The president serves as the convening officer and is responsible for overall scheduling and planning of all meetings of the state, board of directors and Executive Committee.
- As convening officer, the president does the following:
- Plans the schedules and agendas for board of directors and Executive Committee meetings.
- Plans agendas for the business session at the Annual Event in consultation with relevant board members and committee chairs including the parliamentarian, and Governance chair.
President’s Responsibility for Paid Office Staff
- The president has overall responsibility for paid office staff. The president can:
- Hire, in consultation with the CFO and one other director, paid office staff who will work under the direction of the president.
- In consultation with the Public Policy Committee chair and one other director, interview independent legislative advocate candidates and recommend applicant(s) to the Executive Committee.
- Review paid office staff performance and make recommendations to the Executive Committee regarding changes to conditions of employment.
- Oversee and supervise office staff.
- Review and approve all requests from outside organizations for membership information, in accordance with Policy 203- Release of Information to Third Parties.
President’s Responsibility for Leadership Recruitment
- Has overall responsibility for developing and implementing a leadership recruitment plan. The president can:
- Develop and implement a leadership recruitment plan and appropriate forms for appointed leadership positions.
- Appoint committee chairs and committee members, ad-hoc board committees, special committee and task force chairs, as appropriate, for the second year of the president’s two-year term.
- (See Policy 901-Committees, Appointments and Chairs).
President’s Action on Appointments
- When appropriate, the president can recommend and endorse AAUW California members for appointments to outside organizations or agencies.
Voting Member
The chief financial officer (CFO) is a voting member of the board and the Executive Committee.
Responsible for Finance Committee
The CFO has overall responsibility for the Finance Committee and Investment Subcommittee. (See also Policy 915-Finance Committee). The CFO does the following:
- Establishes the agenda and chairs all meetings of the Finance Committee.
- In coordination with the meetings planner and Annual Event manager, develops a budget for the Annual Event for approval of the Executive Committee.
- Presents the conferences and Annual Event budget for approval of the Executive Committee.
- Ensures that all Finance Committee responsibilities are met.
- Responsible for Managing Income and Expenditures
- The CFO is responsible for managing all AAUW California income and operating budget. To do so, the CFO:
- Solicits budget requests from board members and committee and task force chairs for consideration by the Finance Committee.
- Presents the budget to the board of directors for approval.
- Supervises the expenditure of state funds within the approved budget by receiving and authorizing bills and vouchers for payment.
- Issues checks using either electronic payment through the bank or via check prepared by the office manager or CFO.
- Vouchers over $2000.00 must be approved by the president before reimbursement is made.
- Consults with the president on any proposed lease, agreement or contract. (See also Policy 403– Office and Office Manager).
- Reports revenue and expenses quarterly to the board and to the membership at the Annual Event.
- Submits quarterly investment reports to the board that provide a clear picture of the status of the current investment portfolio.
Note: A separate subtopic that follows describes the management report in greater detail).
- Retains vouchers, receipts and other supporting financial records for at least seven years. The official books, permanent tax files and other business documents, electronic or hard copy, should be retained by the CFO at the office.
- Reviews all financial records of state sanctioned accounts by June 30.
- Has signatory authority on all bank accounts held in the name of AAUW California, including conferences and convention accounts (if established), AAUW Fund accounts, and savings and investment accounts.
- Ensures that income tax and other government reports required of the state as a nonprofit corporation are filed.
- Supervises the preparation of financial impact statements for proposed bylaws and resolutions.
Negotiates AAUW California Insurance Program
- In consultation with the president, negotiates comprehensive liability, bonding, and directors’ and officers’ insurance, e.g., pricing, service agreements, customer contact.
- Informs branches of insurance coverage, fees and deadlines.
- Provides information regarding all aspects of insurance coverage, including risk management procedures, and other insurance carrier requirements.
- Ensures that all insurance premiums and fees are collected and paid.
Initiates Financial Review
The CFO has overall responsibility, with the Executive Committee, for seeing that a financial review occurs. The CFO does this by:
- Recruiting an accounting firm to conduct the annual state financial reviews. Bids from accounting firms may be solicited every five years or as needed and the results submitted to the board for approval in April.
- Receiving reports of income and expenditures from all chairs.
Assists Branches with Finances
- The CFO assists branches and interbranch councils with AAUW finances. The CFO:
- Acts as consultant to branches and interbranch councils regarding state and financial policies, branch finances, bookkeeping and tax returns.
- Notifies all newly organized branches about the procedures for obtaining a letter of exemption from the California Franchise Tax Board and applying for tax ID numbers.
- Sends a reminder letter to the branches concerning income tax forms prior to the November 15 deadline.
- Distributes financial information, including deadlines and procedures, to branch finance officers, using all available forms of state communications.
- Plans and conducts workshops at conferences and the Annual Event, as requested.
Nomination/Application deadline:
March 1, 2025
Website Posting of Candidates:
The 2025 Candidate postings are open for viewing in the order of receipt of completed nomination form.
Voting Period:
April 26, 2025 – May 16, 2025.
Want to know more about serving on the AAUW California Board of Directors?
- Click HERE to review AAUW California Board of Directors’ Roles and Responsibilities.
- Click HERE for AAUW California committee responsibilities.
- Click HERE to review AAUW California Policies and Procedures. Section 800 contains information specific to the Nomination and Election process and section 300 contains information about the candidate positions.
Please note that you may be required to enter a password. Contact AAUW California office if you need this information.
For more information contact Elaine Johnson, Nominations and Elections Committee Chair, at nominating@aauw-ca.org.
Note: Must be an AAUW California member in good standing to apply