The AAUW California Leader on Loan Program (LOL) is designed to bring state AAUW leaders to branch and IBC meetings, events, and programs. The state leadership team members have a broad spectrum of expertise and can assist branches and IBCs that are working to strengthen their internal organization and AAUW’s presence in their communities. AAUW California Leader on Loan speakers can suggest proven ways to overcome common challenges such as growing and retaining membership, developing branch leaders, implementing AAUW-relevant programs and fostering a better understanding of the breadth and scope of AAUW’s mission. For more information, contact the AAUW California Leader on Loan Coordinator at
Summary of Roles
Branch Event Coordinator
Step 1: Plan the event.
- Submit the Leader on Loan Request Form 60 days before the event.
- Identify the topic of interest.
- Identify if the event will be in-person or via Zoom.
- Determine the date, time and location (if in person).
- Provide the event coordinator’s contact information.
Step 2: Coordinate the event.
- Promote the event to the branch and/or IBC members. If appropriate, provide links, QR codes, or Zoom details.
- Coordinate securing the event venue, inviting attendees, and preparing and distributing promotional material.
- Arrange lodging for the speaker if necessary. Confirm the accommodations one week before the event.
- Determine if the speaker has any special dietary needs if a meal is being served.
- Determine if the speaker has any special technology requirements (e.g. a mic, a screen, a projector.)
- Request the speaker supply a digital copy of any presentation materials to use as a backup in case a technical issue arises during the meeting.

Step 3: Hold the Event.
- Follow JABEID (Justice, Accessibility, Belonging, Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity) Guidelines for Branch Programming.
- Confirm arrangements with the speaker one week before the event.
- Resend Zoom link to members within a few days of the event.
- Make copies of handouts as needed.
- Meet the speaker at the event and help with setting up.
- Introduce the speaker to Branch/IBC leadership and participants.
- Provide the expense reimbursement form to the speaker and ask them to complete it.

Step 4: Follow-up on the Event.
- Reimburse the speaker and pay outstanding expenses.
- Send a copy of the reimbursement form to the Leader on Loan Coordinator at
- Send a hand-written thank you note to the speaker (no emails, please).
Step 5: Evaluate Event.
- Submit an online Leader on Loan Evaluation Form within 10 days of event.
AAUW California Leader on Loan Coordinator
- Respond within seven days to your request.
- Identify a speaker.
- Provide a speaker biography.
- Send a link to the program evaluation form.
- Send a link to the reimbursement form.
AAUW California Leader Speaker
- Confirm ability to attend.
- Create necessary handouts and identify if you’ll bring them or if you need the branch to provide copies.
- Submit a reimbursement form to the branch event coordinator.
- Provide a digital copy of any presentation materials to use as a backup in case a technical issue arises during the meeting.
- Wow the audience!