The work of AAUW California is accomplished through various standing committees, special committees, task forces, workgroups and appointed positions overseen by the Board of Directors. Any member of AAUW California in good standing is eligible to serve and may submit an application to be considered for appointment. Members are selected and appointed for a two-year term by the Board of Directors.
The Tech Trek Committee is a newly formed committee created to address a need for ongoing participation from key stakeholders in the planning and designing of the program. At this time we seek volunteers to participate on the committee.
Applications were due Friday, August 20th at 5pm.
The committee positions have been filled.
The following conventional committees and positions underpin all ongoing AAUW California activities. Specific responsibilities vary with each committee. Each committee has a chair who coordinates the group. Some committees have specific positions outlined. Committees may be enhanced by task forces or interim committees. For more specific committee information, refer to state Policies and Procedures.
General expectations are that members will:
- Promote AAUW’s programs and mission of equity for all women and girls. Be aware of and uphold AAUW policies and procedures.
- Attend any scheduled meetings, whether by conference call, online or in-person.
- Participate actively in the continuing work of the group, maintain communication with the committee and its chair, respond in a timely manner to group communications and complete assigned tasks.
- Serve as a consultant and resource to branches and members. Participate actively as a communication liaison between AAUW, AAUW California and branches. Attend Interbranch Council (IBC) meetings when possible.
- Provide information to the AAUW Communications Team to keep the website and other media updated with current information.
- Submit written materials to the AAUW California Communications Committee for review and editing prior to distribution or posting.
- Committee, workgroup and task force members are reimbursed for expenses incurred when attending required meetings as specified in the Policies and Procedures.
- Each group has an administrative budget for materials, technology, and miscellaneous expenses, etc. Members may be reimbursed for administrative expenses with prior approval of the chair.
- The per diem amount and mileage reimbursement rate are set each April by the Board of Directors.
Purpose: The duties of the Tech Trek Committee are to provide guidance and support through research, assessment and the gathering of resources for the Tech Trek program. Areas of activity include: camp administration coordination, training, staff recruitment and development, funding, tracking and evaluation, technology management, and Tech Trek communications to branches, members and external audiences.
Member Duties: Participate in monthly online meetings and take on specific organizing roles. Possible roles include: Grants Clearinghouse Coordinator, Data and Evaluation Coordinator, Social Media Coordinator, Alumnae Coordinator, Technology Coordinator, and Department of Justice/Live Scan Coordinator.
Time Commitment: Varies by position and is estimated considering these are all new positions.
- General Committee Member: prepare for and participate in monthly meetings.
- Time Commitment: 5 hours/ month
- Grants Clearinghouse Coordinator: Seek new funding opportunities and maintain a record of branches and grants so that multiple branches do not apply for funds from the same source.
- Time Commitment: 2 hours/month
- Data and Evaluation Coordinator: Facilitate the compiling of camp data and evaluation including maintaining the database of former campers, overseeing long-term studies of campers, providing training and support to camp directors in creating and distributing surveys, and compiling after-camp reports.
- Time Commitment: 5 hours/month before camp. 10 hours/month during camp.
- Social Media Coordinator: Facilitate the posting of social media messages across multiple platforms.
- Time Commitment: 1-2 hours/week during camp season.
- Alumnae Coordinator: Interface with the former campers’ alumnae groups throughout the state and provide support.
- Time Commitment: 5 hours/month
- Technology Coordinator: Assist in the management of technology including maintaining a master list of individual camp assets and coordinating sharing equipment, recommending systematic updates to Tech Trek technology, assisting camp directors and branch coordinators with camp management software and providing training on Google Docs, Google Drive and camp management software.
- Time Commitment: 5-10 hours/month during camp season.
- Department of Justice/Live Scan Coordinator: Manages residential camp automated background check process which requires digitized fingerprints (“Live Scan”) .
- Time Commitment: 5-10 hours/month during camp season.