Watch Carol’s video HERE.
Describe any previous Branch positions and years you served.
- President: Morgan Hill 1996-97, Chico 2009-11, Paradise 2013-15
- Treasurer: Paradise 2015-17
- Public Policy: Paradise 2009 – present, Chico 2011-present, Morgan Hill 2000-2007
- Tech Trek branch coordinator Paradise 2015-present
- Newsletter Editor Morgan Hill for 10 years, Poway-Peñasquitos 2 years
- Secretary Sunnyvale-Cupertino 1982-83
Describe any AAUW California positions and years you served.
- Director, Tech Trek Stanford 2005-2011, 2014; at U.C. Davis 2012
- State Project Co-Coordinator, Tech Trek California 2008 – 2014
- Marketing and Development Committee 2015-16
- (State) Project Oversight Committee, 2016 to present
Talk about any AAUW California conventions you attended in the last five years.
I have missed few conventions since joining AAUW in 1981 and none in the past five years. I always encourage branch members to attend because “they never waste my time.” I always learn useful things, hear engaging speakers, meet new people, see old friends, and have a fine time. Every convention, no matter where, deepens my commitment to AAUW’s mission – and my Chico branch looks forward to sharing our 100th anniversary with AAUW California at next year’s convention.
Talk about any pertinent community activities or connections and their corresponding dates.
Most recently, to help my Paradise branch members who lost their houses in November’s Camp Fire (most of them), I have collected and distributed tens of thousands in gift cards from AAUW members across California and the nation, giving them to Paradise branch members and Tech Trek families. We also found housing, furniture, and even a car for members who needed them.
While most of my volunteer work revolves around AAUW, it does include community outreach. I volunteered at the Euphrat Art Gallery at De Anza College, 1988-91, writing and editing program books and organizing student workers; acted as camera operator for an AAUW-produced program on public access TV in Cupertino 1988-89; served on the Morgan Hill Library Commission 2001-03; facilitated several candidate forums (ae), Morgan Hill 2004, 2012 and other years; acted as liaison between Morgan Hill branch and the Morgan Hill Times 2001-05.
Talk about any AAUW National conventions you have attended.
I was absolutely thrilled to attend both the National convention in San Diego (2015) and in Washington, DC. in 2017. Why, oh why had I not attended one before? If AAUW California conventions are terrific, the National ones are even better, mostly because the range of people to meet is wider.
Describe any AAUW National positions and years you served.
Describe your employment/professional experience, including current employment.
Currently retired except for volunteer work (which takes about 90% of my time!); City Reporter for The Morgan Hill Times, Human Resources Director; Book Store Manager; moved from volunteer to paid employee at the Euphrat Art Gallery, De Anza College.
Are you available to visit branches statewide?
Describe any other special skills or experience.
I am happy writing, giving speeches, and finding and supporting new Tech Trek directors and staff. And I believe I was effective in dealing with Tech Trek Branch Coordinators and their questions while camp director and State Project Co-Coordinator, possibly because I like people.
Give your reasons for running for this office.
I believe the board needs, in the near future, someone with deep Tech Trek experience. And, it goes without saying that I love AAUW California and want to serve it whenever possible.