Describe any previous branch positions and years you served.
I have served on a branch board almost continuously since joining AAUW 30 years ago. I have been President of 5 branches, as well as Program, Membership, Funds, and Secretary across those branches.
Describe any AAUW California positions and years you served.
I served as Director from 2015-2019 and was a member of the Public Policy committee during that time. I currently serve as Nominations and Elections chair, State Meetings Planner, and sit on the Funds, DEI and Membership committees.
Talk about any AAUW California conventions you attended in the last five years.
I have attended all of the AAUW California events over the past 5 years. Although I miss seeing friends in person, I appreciate the fact that more members are able to attend our events when they are online.
Talk about any pertinent community activities or connections and their corresponding dates.
From 2017- present, I have been involved in establishing a Commission on the Status of Women in Sacramento County. It was formally created in 2019 by the Board of Supervisors and now I am working with the new Commissioners to get their work plan going as well as establishing a Friends of the Commission which will support the Commissions activities. I have also been working with a small organization called Starting Point for Refugee Children to assist new refugee families, mostly from Afghanistan, to get the resources that they need since 2021.
Talk about any AAUW National conventions you have attended.
I have had the opportunity to attend two national conventions – San Diego (2015) and New Orleans (2013). I was scheduled to attend and present at Phoenix (2007) but was unable to attend due to illness.
Describe any AAUW National positions and years you served.
I served as a Director on the National Board from 2011-2015. I have also served on the Nominations, Membership and Public Policy committees during the years 2007-2016 and was the Board Liaison to the Younger Women’s Task Force between 2013-2015.
Describe your employment/professional experience, including current employment.
I am a special education teacher and have worked with children all across the disability spectrum. I am currently working in a special day class with children who have severe challenges and are medically fragile. It is not easy work, but it is definitely fulfilling. I have students for numerous years which allows me to really get to know the families and help them advocate for their children.
Are you available to visit branches statewide?
Describe any other special skills or experience.
I have skills around event planning and making spaces welcoming. Having been in AAUW for 30 years, and also being a younger member in AAUW, I bring experience in AAUW culture as well as the younger perspective. I also have a background in politics and public policy which can be helpful when working with AAUW’s mission and public policy activities. I generally get along well with most people and am able to lead teams in a collaborative way.
Give your reasons for running for this office.
Having been a part of the leadership team for several years, I have been so encouraged by the great work that is being done here in CA. For example, since the pandemic, we have been a model for other states on the possibilities for connection with members on Zoom. We have created a fabulous new state project in Gov Trek. I want to be a larger part of moving AAUW CA and all of our branches forward. I am very passionate about our emerging DEI work and want to work on expanding the knowledge and activities in the branches which I feel will help us build our membership eventually (it won’t happen overnight).