We live in a society consisting of various ethnic groups. Therefore, understanding each other is very important in order to facilitate collaboration and cooperation. A panel of speakers with different ethnicity spoke about the importance of cultural diversity and the positive impact as outcome in this webinar.

Indrani Chatterjee, BS, MBA
- Management Accounting
- Member- Advancement Committee
- AAUW National
- Member- AAUW Torrance, CA
Diane Mitchell Henry, BA
- Entrepreneur and Marketing Consultant
- Chapter Chair, Greater Los Angeles County
- American Women for International Understanding (AWIU)
Herlinda Chico, BA
- Field Deputy for LA County Supervisor Janice Hahn
- Member & VP- Program, AAUW Long Beach Branch
Rosaura P.C. Valle, PhD
- VP- Operations & Strategic Alliances, Milagen, Inc.
- Member & Secretary, AAUW San Francisco Branch
Sampurna (Sam) Dube, BA, MBA
- Consultant
- Board Member, Dakshini Bengali Association Greater Los Angeles Area