12501 Alcosta Blvd
San Ramon, CA 94583
This educational and inspirational program will expand on the AAUW CA initiative, The School Board Project plus National’s recent YouTube presentation School Boards: The Battleground for the Education Culture Wars.
Click HERE to watch the YouTube video.
Join us for a relaxed conversation focused on the current climate and public education issues in the San Ramon Valley School District. School Board President Laura Bratt will be interviewed by Ravneet Julka, local PTA leader, parent, and lawyer. Don’t miss this opportunity to gain a better understanding of what SRVUSD School Board and other School Boards around the nation are facing Learn what you can do to support quality public education in our community.
The event is FREE and open to the public. The public is asked to email aauwsr@gmail.com to RSVP, not required but as a courtesy so we know to expect you.
Questions may be directed to our email address: aauwsr@gmail.com