Describe any previous Branch positions and years you served.
- Branch President of San Diego 2011-13 and 2017-present
- Branch President of Chula Vista 1997-99 and 2004-06
Between these two branches I have held every elected and appointed position except Parliamentarian and have chaired most committees.
Describe any AAUW California positions and years you served.
- Secretary 2018-current
- Director (Program) 2012-16
- Director (Branch Support) 2004-2010
- I currently serve as the chair of the Project Oversight Committee and previously served as a committee member for branch support, public policy and fund (LAF).
- I have also served two terms as President of San Diego Inter-branch Council and served as IBC Secretary 2017-18.
Talk about any AAUW California conventions you attended in the last five years.
- I have attended all AAUW CA conventions and also the AAUW CA annual meetings held during these years.
Talk about any pertinent community activities or connections and their corresponding dates.
I work towards improving the environment by currently serving as President of Bonita Valley Garden Club, participating in various floral groups and currently serving on the state board of California Garden Clubs, Inc. I maintain my connection with educational groups through my service for Phi Delta Kappa (currently secretary). I help to maintain community connections by currently serving as President of On Stage Playhouse and of the Soledad Club.
Talk about any AAUW National conventions you have attended.
I have attended all of the national conventions held in Washington. DC in the past twelve years. I have attended three other national conventions.
Describe any AAUW National positions and years you served.
I have not served nationally for AAUW.
Describe your employment/professional experience, including current employment.
I currently am on call as a substitute principal/vice principal. I served for 15 years as a public school site administrator, retiring as Principal. I taught primarily in middle school/junior high with a brief period in high school and at university. I had the privilege of participating in the Fulbright Teacher Exchange Program on three occasions and spent a year each experiencing life in England, Wales and Scotland. I taught English, History, English as a Second Language and electives, my favorite being ASB where I taught leadership skills and provided opportunities for student recognition and memory making (games, awards, dances, competitions, field trips, assemblies, etc).
Are you available to visit branches statewide?
Describe any other special skills or experience.
Through my career I had training and experience in coaching, mentoring, diversity, conflict resolution, consensus building, leadership development and implementing change. Through my AAUW service I have worked with leaders across the state, assisting with leadership training, providing support and facilitating idea sharing. I am familiar with AAUW CA Policies & Procedures and By-laws.
Give your reasons for running for this office.
I embraced AAUW and its mission when I was in my twenties and have been a dedicated and active member ever since. I served on the board under several Presidents and have learned lessons about leading this organization from each of them. I have the necessary skill sets, contacts and experience to guide us in embracing the changes necessary to ensure the continuation of our legacy as the preeminent organization for advocacy for women and girls.