On September 4, 2024, seven members of AAUW Marin attended the College of Marin’s Resource Fair, led by Nancy Major, branch Public Policy Chair and a member of AAUW California’s Public Policy Committee, and Deborah Learner, branch CU Liaison.
They had two tables – one for voter registration of students and the other to promote AAUW’s scholarships, National Conference for College Women Student Leaders (NCCWSL), membership, programs, public policy, and upcoming DEI and Women’s History month events on campus. A member of the League of Women Voters assisted at the voter registration table.
Some of the AAUW Marin members walked around to the other tables and approached passing students to ask if they were registered to vote and to introduce AAUW. At least 70% of the students they encountered were already registered to vote. Several others were not citizens or would not be 18 by election day. A few said ” I’m not voting!” There were roughly 20 students who were qualified and were interested in registering to vote. Some were on their way to class and didn’t have time, so the AAUW members had them scan the voting bar code or gave them the Vote411 card to access registration later, stressing how important each vote would be in this election.
Nancy Finston, one of the AAUW Marin branch board members, commented, “It was fun and I talked with some interesting people.” New member Jessie Powell was a real hero, volunteering for the full 3 hours even after having taken a terrible fall on her way to the event, turning her whole face black and blue the next day.