Describe any previous branch positions and years you served.
Describe any AAUW California positions and years you served.
DEI Committee member (2018-2019)
Public Policy Committee member (2019-current)
Talk about any AAUW California conventions you attended in the last five years.
I attended two in-person conventions prior to the pandemic and delivered mini-DEI workshops at both.
Talk about any pertinent community activities or connections and their corresponding dates.
I led a series of civic-education focused teach-ins prior to the pandemic, incorporating the Long Beach branch into campus activities at CSULB 2017-2019; I chaired the President’s Commission on the Status of Women at CSULB and maintained a partnership with the Long Beach branch 2020-2022; I helped pilot a public education program focused on public policy via AAUW’s social media networks called “one minute activist” (2021-2022); I helped develop and deliver GOTV webinars in election years for all AAUW members (2020; 2022)
Talk about any AAUW National conventions you have attended.
I have not attended any national conventions but have facilitated young peoples’ attendance at NCCWSL (including helping with funding) in my capacity as chair of a President’s commission at CSULB.
Describe any AAUW National positions and years you served.
Describe your employment/professional experience, including current employment.
I am currently a professor in the Anthropology, Linguistics, Women’s Gender and Sexuality Studies, and Legal Studies/Political Science departments at CSULB. I hold a PhD in Anthropology, an MA in Anthropology, an MA in Linguistics, and a BA in Political Theory and English Literature. My research focuses on democratic participation, conflict resolution, social movements, and equity in the political system and under the law, particularly as these relate to language/communication practices. I recently cycled off of a position on the board of the Association for Political and Legal Anthropology, where I served as a contributing editor covering political and legal issues and research for the American Anthropological Association’s newsletter, Anthropology News. In addition to my targeted political/legal work, I have done professional research on gender equity, language endangerment, and language and social justice movements. Finally, in addition to my teaching, advising, and research responsibilities, I am the co-founder/co-owner of an anthropologically driven DEI firm, where I also serve as a Senior Consultant for non-profit, for-profit, and community organizations who seek assistance on developing strategies around, tracking successes of, and implementing training on DEI issues.
Are you available to visit branches statewide?
Describe any other special skills or experience.
I have developed many issue-based public education and outreach materials and campaigns throughout my career and have worked with non-profit organizations not only in the United States, but also abroad in Papua New Guinea and Bulgaria. I am happy to provide my CV for a more detailed outline of additional skills and experience.
Give your reasons for running for this office.
I have served on the Public Policy Committee for several years and feel as if I have learned a great deal from the current chair. As she is stepping back, I hope to be able carry on the fair-minded and equity-focused work that she has done and continues to do in setting the public policy agenda and disseminating information to and on behalf of AAUW CA’s members.