“The Challenges of Russia in 2025”
On February 22, the Monterey and Santa Cruz County Branches were fortunate to host Steven Pifer, former US Ambassador to Ukraine and a 25-year Foreign Service officer. Steve’s timely talk was titled “The Challenges of Russia in 2025.”
Steven Pifer is now an affiliate of the Stanford Center for International Security and Cooperation and a non-resident senior fellow of the Brooking Institution. Steven also served as the special assistant to the President and senior director for Russia, Ukraine, and Eurasia on the National Security Council. Other positions in which he served were at the U.S. embassies in Warsaw, Moscow and London as well as the U.S. delegation to the negotiation on intermediate-range nuclear forces in Geneva. Mr. Pifer has also appeared on CNN due to his expertise in the subjects of Ukraine and Russia.
We were honored to have Marilyn Pifer, Steve’s wife and a member of the AAUW Morgan Hill Branch, in attendance.