The San Jose Branch engaged in several important community events in the lead-up to the November election.
On September 20, 2024, the AAUW San Jose Branch was named Advocacy Ally at the 2024 Santa Clara County Title IX Education Event. The event was held at the Mexican Heritage Plaza in San Jose, and was attended by hundreds of community members. San Jose Branch President Tynka Dees and Public Policy Co-Chairs Peg Carlson-Bowen and Susan Karlins attended to receive the honor and talk with community leaders at AAUW San Jose’s table. Peg Carlson-Bowen, Public Policy Co-Chair, received the award and spoke for AAUW. Carlson-Bowen has been a leader in many County collaborations.
On September 27, 2024, seven members of the San Jose branch attended the Campbell School District Board meeting to express support for inclusive, bias-free education. The group wore their matching purple AAUW t-shirts, and the Board responded very positively to their message.
On October 15, 2024, the San Jose Branch Public Policy Committee hosted a fall gathering at the Willow Glen United Methodist Church to educate the community on each of the ten California ballot propositions, and to encourage voter registration and engagement. The gathering was attended by 75 people including both branch members and non-members. After the event, the participants thanked AAUW and expressed that they were now much better informed and prepared to vote on the propositions.
Kudos to the AAUW San Jose Branch for all of the wonderful work they are doing to advance AAUW’s values!