Tech Trek
Science, technology, engineering, and math education for girls

What is Tech Trek?
The Tech Trek program in California: its purpose, organization, and impact
Tech Trek is a STEM enrichment program started in 1998 in California as a weeklong summer camp that offers girls entering 8th grade a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to explore the world of STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) and possibly see a future for themselves in it. Tech Trek offers the life-changing message that STEM is okay for girls!
Tech Trek is a national program offered to local branches by the California arm of the national American Association of University Women (AAUW). It is sponsored by over 100 local AAUW branches that choose to participate. Branch members fund the camperships at low or no cost to the families and work with local schools to select promising students who might not otherwise get such an opportunity.
The Tech Trek program offers both residential camps on college campuses and virtual camps held online. Residential participants live the 24/7 life of a college student for a week, complete with dorm and classrooms and dining halls. Virtual camp participants enjoy the convenience of participating from home.
Both programs feature inspiring interactions with women role models from STEM fields, hands-on workshops, group projects, field trips, demonstrations, and energizing team-building fun! Activities may include building balloon-powered race cars, learning CSI-type forensics, or crafting wearable tech with movable parts.
The camps themselves are staffed by female AAUW members and local community volunteers committed to the mission of helping girls navigate an often-challenging path to STEM studies and careers.
For more than 25 years, Tech Trek has opened the eyes of over 15,000 girls to new worlds and the camaraderie of like-minded campers interested in STEM. As its founding entity, AAUW California is justifiably proud to offer this signature program, which has been adopted by eight other AAUW state organizations.
Tech Trek was developed to address the known shortage of women in STEM-related careers and the documented decline in interest in STEM classes shown by girls after middle school.
The challenge is clearly identified in these AAUW-funded research publications:
Follow-up studies have consistently shown that girls who complete Tech Trek have the interest and confidence to pursue more STEM classes in high school and college than the national average. Many go on to achieve greatness in STEM careers.
During Tech Trek camp, girls get what is often their first opportunity to explore STEM with other interested girls without fear of being socially different. They learn how important it is for girls to feel a sense of belonging in order to succeed in STEM. They leave camp feeling like they DO belong and are more committed to sustaining that sense of community.
The AAUW local branch that is sponsoring the program determines which camp(s) it will fund students to attend: residential, virtual, or both. Both camp models offer similar extraordinary experiences, but teachers, students, and families may want to consider whether the type of camp offered is a good fit for the student.
Tech Trek campers tell their success stories best themselves:
- “Going to Tech Trek showed me that it was okay to be a woman interested in science as well as gave me an experience that I will always remember. To be with so many amazing people in one place is something that I will never forget!”
- “Tech Trek set the foundation for everything I have and will accomplish.”
- “I realized that I am WAY more interested in STEM than I thought. I’m more confident in my STEM skills. I loved the other girls at camp and had a great time in my classes.”
- “Tech Trek is one of my favorite experiences. I loved the opportunity to be on a college campus with like-minded girls who were interested in science and math, attending college, and exploring the world. The whole setup was incredible and full of awesome people between the other campers and the women who made the experience happen.”
- “Camp was a life changing experience that truly renewed me as a woman in STEM. Unfortunately, I had to attend online due to the COVID pandemic. However, it was still beyond fun and educational. I met so many people that I still talk to now and it inspired me so much I decided to coach every year and help in every way since 8th grade! “
- “My favorite part about camp when I attended was the enthusiasm and true passion the coaches and leaders all had to help us Tech Trek campers. It was clear as day to see that the leaders and coaches loved the experience as much as we did!”

How can students attend Tech Trek?
Information for students, parents, and teachers
Tech Trek is open to those who identify as female and are entering 8th grade in the fall. The program is not available in all schools across California. It is sponsored by local branches of the national AAUW (American Association of University Women) that partner with local schools.
Although nearly all of the more than 100 AAUW branches in California participate in Tech Trek, a few may offer alternative STEM programs instead. Participating branches determine which schools to engage largely based on school and teacher willingness to support students and their families with the initial application and registration steps. Most branches designate a volunteer Tech Trek Coordinator to facilitate delivering the program at the branch level and act as the liaison to the schools, students, camps, and Tech Trek leadership.
Not just anyone can attend Tech Trek. The AAUW branch and participating teachers focus on selecting girls who are likely to blossom and benefit and who otherwise might not get such a chance. They’re not always the superstars of the class!
The overall process is:
- Local AAUW branch invites identified schools to participate.
- Teachers nominate students, guided by criteria such as:
- Enthusiasm and curiosity about STEM
- Solid student, but not necessarily top of the class
- Limited access to STEM enrichment programs
- Students complete an application and essay.
- AAUW branch members interview candidates who complete the application and make a final selection.
- Students enroll in camp.
- Branches may hold an orientation session for girls and their families.
- Students attend camp.
Camp fees are sponsored by the local AAUW branch through donations, although some may request a small (typically $50) contribution from the family after campers are selected.
Families are responsible for any transportation costs to and from camp and any incidentals.
Interested? Whether you’re a student, family member, or teacher, check first if your local AAUW branch offers the Tech Trek program:
- Find a branch near you.
- Contact the Tech Trek Coordinator to learn how the program works at that branch.
- If none is listed for that branch, it may not be participating at this time; contact to explore any alternatives that you may have.
You’ve got this!
Remember that your teacher nominated you because they are confident you’ll have an amazing experience. You can expect to make lifelong friends that you can stay in touch with for a long time (see Life after Tech Trek?).
Once you are enrolled, you’ll get information about camp activities, schedules, requirements, things to bring, etc. Your branch may also host an orientation session where you’ll meet your fellow local campers and maybe some former campers. They’ll have all the deets you need!
Activities vary from camp to camp but are always exciting and hands-on. Team building is a big priority, so you’re not alone. You may learn to code, launch a balloon, explore math in nature, build a robot, or go on field trips to a river or zoo or who knows? You’ll hear from inspiring females who work in STEM and explore how you might find a future STEM career.
We ask that you allow us to continue to contact you for five years after camp to ensure you receive opportunities for local and virtual events. We also want to tell you about future camp counselor and virtual coach opportunities. We especially want to reach you if we need your help in the future as an Ambassador for Tech Trek.
Start here!
Your local AAUW branch may support the residential program (students live on a college campus for the week) or the virtual program (held online so students participate from home). Some may offer both. Consider which type of camp is a good fit for your child.
If your child has been nominated by a teacher to apply to Tech Trek, you must give your permission for her to continue. The permission form, as well as the official program application and registration will be completed online using camp management software called CampDoc. You will get started by logging into CampDoc and creating an account for your child so you can give permission for her to continue.
The instructions below for getting started are for your reference, but you will receive additional guidance once CampDoc is open for application each year at the end of January.
As you continue with the application and the registration process that will follow if your child is selected to attend, you will be providing details about the student, entering medical information, signing additional permission forms, uploading vaccination forms, etc. Your child or another adult can complete the forms for you if you set them up as USER in the software once your account is created. Don’t worry. You will be given guidance and instructions for each step.
If you need help, contact the teacher or local AAUW branch Tech Trek Coordinator (see What is the first step? to find them). Additional help is available by emailing
Be assured that Tech Trek has many safeguards to protect students’ privacy and safety:
- Tech Trek personnel may not interact with minor applicants without signed parental permission.
- The vaccination policy for everyone’s safety is explained HERE.
- Tech Trek’s strict anti-bullying policy is explained HERE.
- The program is committed to diversity and inclusion and personnel are required to read the Tech Trek Diversity and Inclusion Manual.
- Camper-to-staff ratios adhere to universally accepted practices.
- Medical staff is available at camp. Campers’ medical information and needs are provided by you in CampDoc during the registration process.
- Crisis management and incident reporting procedures are in place.
- Camp personnel are familiar with MESH guidelines to maintain a camp atmosphere that promotes mental, emotional, and social health.
- Camp personnel adhere to a volunteer code of conduct to protect students’ privacy and physical and emotional wellbeing.
The partnership between an AAUW branch and a local school is pivotal to Tech Trek. Branch representatives will reach out to select schools and invite their participation. If your school has not participated in the past and would like to, contact your nearest local branch following the instructions in the section What is the first step?
Teachers are asked to nominate students, using suggested criteria to identify girls who would most benefit from the enrichment of a STEM immersion experience and may be less likely to otherwise experience anything similar. Hint: they are not always the top performing students!
There are safeguards throughout the process to protect privacy and respect legal restrictions regarding student contact.
Note: the resources below are for reference only. The branch Tech Trek Coordinator will explain the resources below and provide information and instructions throughout the process.
- Sample: Invitation to Schools to Participate in Tech Trek
- Tech Trek Information Flyer (English and Spanish)
- Criteria for Nominating Students
- Teacher Nomination Spreadsheet
- Permission for Teacher or Other Guardian to Complete Documents for Parent (English and Spanish.)
- Cover Letter to Teacher with Instructions to Parents for Getting Started
Students and their families will be using a secure online camp management system called CampDoc.
Once you identify likely candidates, you or the Tech Trek Coordinator will provide the system link to an adult (typically a parent) who then sets up an account and provides permission for the camper to apply. He or she will complete releases and agreements on behalf of the minor through the Parent Authorization form. It is preferred that they add a different email for the student as a separate User who then has separate access to the application.
It is best that User emails not be a school email, which may be subject to blocking or purging after middle school. If the school email does have blocking of external emails in place, parents should be advised to add as a safe sender, along with allowing access to the domain Parents will also be advised to consider creating a non-school email account for their child, such as with Gmail.
Additional help is available by emailing your branch Tech Trek Coordinator first, followed by

What can I do to support Tech Trek?
How to volunteer and donate!
Tech Trek is only possible with volunteers. It’s just that simple. There are multiple opportunities for multiple talents. Whether you’re good with tech, teaching, or are just good with kids, Tech Trek needs you.
Consider volunteering at your branch, at the camp itself, or at the state level. Being a part of this vital program will be educational, inspirational and personally rewarding. It may even be unforgettable! Training is provided for all roles, some formal, some on-the-job.
Volunteer roles and their requirements are described in the subsections of this page. Although all roles are volunteer, some roles are eligible for small stipends, including camp directors and treasurers, instructors, health support, media and staff coordinators, virtual coaches, and supervisory roles such as dorm monitors.
- Take on a leadership role in your branch. Training is provided through videos, written instructions, regular peer group meetings, and the Program Director’s live “Office Hours” for individual help. Roles include:
- Tech Trek Coordinator
- Tech Trek Treasurer
- Tech Trek Alum Group (TTAG) Advisor or Coordinator
- Set up a branch Tech Trek Alumnae Group (TTAG) if there isn’t one.
- Help promote Tech Trek: visit schools, speak to teachers, hang flyers.
- Help with the camper selection process: score essays, interview candidates, manage the online “paperwork,” assist students and parents.
- Support your branch’s Tech Trek fundraisers.
- Help recruit donors: corporations, small businesses, local service clubs, individuals, etc.
All volunteers involved with Tech Trek must complete the Volunteer Conduct Agreement (VCA) annually, even if they do not have direct contact with minors. The VCA includes anti-bullying and diversity and inclusion guidelines, in addition to data privacy and protection guidelines. The form and instructions will be provided to all volunteers.
- Volunteer Conduct Agreement
- Anti-Bullying Policy
- Data Privacy and Protection Policy (coming soon)
- Tech Trek Diversity and Inclusion Manual
To volunteer, just contact your branch Tech Trek Coordinator and raise your hand!
There is a comprehensive list of volunteer roles and requirements at both the in-person and the online virtual camps HERE. Both former campers and adults may apply.
You’re sure to find a way to get involved!
Please note:
- Applicants under 18 must have completed a California Tech Trek program in the past and have a parent’s explicit permission to apply via the online camp management software CampDoc..
- Adult staff (except speakers and workshop presenters) MUST be AAUW California members and after assignment to a camp, must complete a Live Scan fingerprint/background check once every five years for in-person camps. After the first Live Scan and every year for virtual camp, an annual background check that does not require fingerprinting will be conducted online.
- Selected teachers assigned to teach at the camps must complete a Live Scan submission for AAUW California as above, even if they have already completed one for another employer such as their school district. They must also complete the annual online background checks.
- Teachers may substitute required California state mandated reporter sexual awareness training as appropriate for required volunteer training.
Camp volunteers apply through the online camp management software called CampDoc, which will require setting up an account.
To apply, review the instructions below and click HERE.
Get ready to feel good.
Join the state Tech Trek Committee, which guides and supports the program director(s) and the branches.
In addition to providing overall help and guidance as general committee members, volunteers might take on specific jobs. These could change depending on the needs of the program each year and may include such things as helping with communications, media, fundraising, alum organizations, camp management software, etc.
To see the specific roles and apply for committee membership, check HERE in late spring for details or contact
Tech Trek relies on the donation of volunteer time but also requires funds to meet its mission.
Local branches conduct fundraising events specifically to support camp sponsorships. Community organizations, corporate entities, and passionate individuals also generously contribute to support program operations. Their involvement is deeply appreciated.
Anyone who has been involved with Tech Trek, whether a branch member, former camper, camp staff, or parent is encouraged to help recruit donors.
How to donate
Donations are securely processed and managed by an independent third party fiduciary agent, AAUW California Special Projects Fund. This allows donations to our programs to be tax-deductible and assures accountability.
The process is easy:
- Click HERE.
- Choose the camp you would like to support from the drop-down menu (see the section When and where are the Tech Trek camps?). You may also select “Program” if uncertain or for a general donation.
- Enter your donation amount.
- In the note field, write “Tech Trek and, if applicable, the name of the sponsoring branch you’d like to support.”
- Pay with a credit/debit card or your PayPal account.
- Receive an email confirmation.
Thank you for helping change a girl’s life!

When and where are the Tech Trek camps?
Camp locations, dates, and contact information
Tech Trek has several camps throughout California just waiting for eager campers and volunteers! To see the general location of the in-person camps held on college and university campuses, visit HERE and click on the blue pins.
The local AAUW branch will decide which camp(s) it will sponsor students to attend.
Tech Trek camps are held in the summer for one week.
Visit HERE to see:
- camp locations
- camp dates
- background and key information
- how to contact individual camps
The local AAUW branch determines which camp(s) it will sponsor students to attend.

Life after Tech Trek?
Getting into and through camp is only the tip of the STEM iceberg.
One of the best parts of Tech Trek camp is making lasting friendships. Finding a community of like-minded students who love to solve problems and build things and do math and wonder about “what ifs” gives girls a sense of belonging.
The next two to five years are the most critical in terms of girls’ journeys toward a future in STEM. The skills, confidence, and personal growth learned at camp will serve them well into high school, college, and beyond.
Participating in either the virtual Tech Trek Alum Community (TTAC) or a branch’s in—person Tech Trek Alum Group (TTAG) lets former campers continue their journey with others. It also builds an enduring brand for Trek Trek alums and enables us to measure long term program results.
All campers are expected to be ambassadors for Tech Trek for at least five years after camp. Many want to volunteer to help bring the experience to other students. See the section What can I do to support Tech Trek? How to volunteer and donate! to learn how to do that.
The branch and state may contact former campers to follow up on their post-camp experience or to offer unique opportunities.
All campers are members of the umbrella Tech Trek Alum Community (TTAC), which is a virtual organization. It is vital that they confirm their participation by signing up and providing up-to-date contact information so leaders can keep in touch.
TTAC is guided by an alum advisory council, which focuses on helping the program and branches develop and sustain contact with former campers. Additionally, they plan and deliver virtual activities statewide. For details, contact
Some branches also offer an in-person circle known as the Tech Trek Alum Group (TTAG). These are typically run by former campers with an AAUW branch advisor. They might offer activities such as meetups, field trips, or speakers. Check with the branch Tech Trek Coordinator to see if a TTAG group has been organized. It may have a calendar or events and newsletter.
The TTAC Advisory Council has developed a toolkit to help branches start an in-person TTAG program.
To learn more about TTAC or TTAG, email

Who runs Tech Trek?
Tech Trek leaders and how to reach them
Tech Trek is offered by the state arm of AAUW, AAUW California, which is the umbrella entity for more than 100 local branches throughout the state. Each branch is run by volunteers who are committed to the AAUW mission to empower women and girls and achieve gender equality. Most branches participate in the Tech Trek program and have assigned a coordinator to work with the schools, students, and families. To locate a local branch and identify its coordinator, see the section How can students attend Tech Trek?. If there is no branch in close vicinity to you or no coordinator is listed, contact
Tech Trek is managed at the state level by volunteers who are part of the elected and appointed state leadership team. For a current list, click HERE.
Contact details:
- Program Director:
- Financial Liaison:
The Tech Trek Committee, composed of stakeholders such as Branch Coordinators, Camp Directors, and key volunteers, is a critical body that advises and supports the director.
In addition to providing overall help and guidance, committee members may take on specific jobs such assisting with staff recruitment and training, technology, social media, database and camp software, grant funding, etc.
The camps are operated by a camp director(s) and a combination of paid and volunteer staff. They are largely responsible for designing the curriculum and activities, managing the personnel, and assuring that the students have an incredible experience. To contact individual camps, click HERE.
Tech Trek is governed by policies and procedures which are aligned with the national AAUW organization and cover all areas of operation. They are reviewed annually and approved by the state board of directors.

How do the local AAUW branches make Tech Trek happen?
Everything branch Tech Trek Coordinators and others need to know!
The local branch of AAUW (American Association of University Women) is essential to the Tech Trek program. Tech Trek is the signature pre-college program for the 100+ branches that proudly participate.
The leadership of each branch makes decisions regarding the Tech Trek program, through one or more Branch Coordinators who work with members, schools, families, camps, and the program to broadly accomplish the following during each camp year:
Getting Started
- Determine the number of campers the branch can sponsor.
- Decide which Tech Trek camps it will sponsor campers to attend.
- Raise the funds to sponsor camperships.
- Submit a request to the state program for camp reservations.
- Sign a formal agreement to participate and follow the state and national policies and procedures.
- Develop a timeline, using critical deadlines from the state Tech Trek timeline (see Information for branch coordinators).
- Designate a Tech Trek Branch Coordinator to be the contact for all state Tech Trek communications as well as to serve as the liaison with the schools, teachers, students, and parents.
Finding Deserving Campers
- Identify schools with student populations that may benefit from the Tech Trek experience. It may be helpful to find a Title I school in your area.
- Market, Market, Market! Promote Tech Trek at the schools and in your community.
- Assist teachers and parents with the nomination and application process, particularly with using the online camp management software CampDoc.
- Enlist past campers to recruit new campers.
Selecting Your Campers
- Recruit a committee of volunteers to help with selection. Be sure they sign appropriate paperwork such as the Volunteer Conduct Agreement.
- Review applications and student essays.
- Schedule and conduct student/ parent interviews to make final selections.
- Schedule orientation session for all campers and parents.
Engaging with Past Campers
- Find past campers.
- Update alum records. Send updates to
- Start a Tech Trek Alum Group (TTAG) to assist in their STEM journey through high school. See Life after Tech Trek?
- Enlist past campers to assist in schools or communities.
Local branches are also a pipeline of volunteers for the camps themselves, whether as dorm monitors on campus or coaches for the virtual camp.
For many branches, Tech Trek is their main raison d’être. The time, energy, resources, and passion these volunteers donate have changed girls’ lives for going on 30 years.
“Where can I find that form?”
We hear you.
You will receive ongoing guidance from state leaders for what to do when. Many documents will be pushed out to you – as needed – directly from state leadership or via the management software CampDoc.
There are regular peer group meetings of Tech Trek Branch Coordinators to share information. Click HERE to register to join and to view recordings of past meetings. Additional support is provided by regular “office hours” that the Program Director will schedule to answer questions.
Thank you for being the lifeblood of Tech Trek.
2025 Camp Documents
Check back frequently for updated information.
Updated documents for 2025 are indicated with an *.
Documents include School Forms, Parent Documents, Volunteer Documents, Financial Documents, Tech Trek Logos, and Policies and Procedures.
General Resources
- *What’s New in 2025 (Must Read)
- *Branch Instructions for Processing Checks and Donations – Requires password to access
- *Branch Deposit Form (Sample)– Requires password to access
- Camper Selection Assessment– Requires password to access
- *Volunteer Conduct Agreement Report– Requires password to access
- Family First Contact (for camp director use)- Requires password to access
- *Tech Trek Parent Invitation and Instructions – English- Requires password to access
- *Tech Trek Parent Invitation and Instructions – Spanish- Requires password to access
- AAUW California Tech Trek Policies and Procedures – Requires password to access
- Teacher Nomination Spreadsheet
- *Tech Trek Flyer (English and Spanish versions)
- Residential or Virtual Camp: A Comparison
- *Camper Selection Criteria
- Generic Thank You Letter
- Tech Trek Anti Bullying Document
- Tech Trek Vaccination Policy (formerly Covid policy)
- *Tech Trek Timeline
- *Potential Staff Invitation with link to instructions
- Student Certificate – Nominated Only – English – Requires password to access
- TTAG Toolkit
- CampDoc and the Tech Trek Process
- Download Tech Trek Video
School Forms
- *Tech Trek Letter to Schools (Fillable PDF form that can be customized with branch information)
- *Tech Trek Letter to Schools (MS Word version that can be customized with additional information)
- CampDoc email to School Teachers – English
- CampDoc email to School Teachers – Spanish
- Permission for Teacher or other Guardian to Complete Documents for Parent – English/Spanish
Parent Documents
- *Instructions to Allow Your Child to Apply to Tech Trek – Spanish
- *Instructions to Allow Your Child to Apply to Tech Trek – English
- Frequently Asked Questions – English and Spanish
Financial Documents
- SPF Donor Designation Form Click HERE to submit via the SPF website.
- SPF Donor Designation Form – (Sample)
- IRS Determination Letter
- FTB Determination Letter
- *Branch Deposit Form – (Sample)
- Suggestions For Approaching Potential Donors
Tech Trek Logos
- Tech Trek Logo – Full Color
- Tech Trek Logo – black and white
- TTAG Logo
AAUW National Tech Trek Documents
CampDoc is the camp management software used to collect camper and staff applications and assign those selected to camp or program sessions. It is also the tool used to communicate to past campers and staff starting with the 2023 cohort.
Campers and staff are considered Participants. Branch Coordinators are considered Providers (think ‘shepherd’) with access to see camper applications once they are registered by a Tech Trek administrator at each year.
- It is important that you ACCEPT the link you are sent from CampDoc in your first registration to ensure that you receive future emails.
- Check your Spam or Junk folder if you are not receiving CampDoc messages.
- Add new emails if you replace the one used to register in your Users tab.
- Log in after the initial acceptance HERE.
- Access CampDoc’s AAUW Tech Trek Training Hub HERE. Check your CampDoc notifications or contact for the password. Online training schedules will be communicated via CampDoc.
If you still have questions, sign up for Friday Tech Trek Office Hours on the schedule as shown in the registration link HERE.